
Data for the 50 most recent submitted challenge solves. To read writeups for our challenges, visit Solutions.
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Recent Solves
pablom_c Transparency 50
pablom_c SSH Keys 35
pablom_c CERTainly not 30
grupo7 SSH Keys 35
pablom_c Modular Inverting 25
grupo7 CERTainly not 30
uriy542 CTRIME 70
Tacitus Salty 20
emirsoyturk Base64 10
thetoml JSON in JSON 40
generatedname Great Snakes 3
generatedname Finding Flags 2
emirsoyturk Hex 5
thetoml JWT Secrets 25
arielf212 Static Client 100
emirsoyturk ASCII 5
thetoml No Way JOSE 20
emirsoyturk Great Snakes 3
emirsoyturk Finding Flags 2
Landais Chinese Remainder Theorem 40
thetoml JWT Sessions 10
Tacitus Manyprime 40
thetoml Token Appreciation 5
thetoml Script Kiddie 70
maneace XOR Starter 10
diksown Too Many Errors 100
IdanHorowitz JSON in JSON 40
IdanHorowitz RSA or HMAC? 35
K4t1 What's a Lattice? 40
ereinelt ASCII 5
IdanHorowitz JWT Secrets 25
IdanHorowitz No Way JOSE 20
ereinelt Great Snakes 3
IdanHorowitz JWT Sessions 10
IdanHorowitz Token Appreciation 5
ereinelt Finding Flags 2
MohammedAtef You either know, XOR you don't 30
artorious Quadratic Residues 25
inkognito Favourite byte 20
Jester1 You either know, XOR you don't 30
artorious Modular Inverting 25
artorious Modular Arithmetic 2 20
Se_Yon_479 Modular Binomials 80
thetoml Diffie-Hellman Starter 2 20
axlbac Finding Flags 2
inkognito XOR Properties 15
K4t1 Size and Basis 15
diksown LWE Low Bits Message 20
CyberLewn Finding Flags 2
thetoml Additive 70

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