Hash Functions

A hash function is a function which takes an arbitrary long string of bits and produces a fixed-length output. Hash functions have applications in data structures, string-searching and even in video game design. Here we're interested in a subset of hash functions which are suitable for cryptographic purposes.

Cryptographic hash functions are designed to be one-way: functions that are practically impossible to invert. This is in contrast to the functions used in asymmetric cryptography, where trapdoor functions are infeasible to invert unless some additional secret knowledge is known.

Cryptographic hash functions are used to verify message integrity, compute digital signatures, and safely store passwords in databases. In asymmetric cryptography, hash functions are particularly useful in compressing arbitrary length messages to a value which has a smaller bit-length than the modulus when signing messages with RSA or protocols such as (EC)DSA or Elgamal.

For a hash function to be cryptographically secure, it must be resistant to the following three attacks:

  • Pre-image attacks: given the output of a hash function x = hash(m), it must be practically impossible to find a message m0 such that hash(m0) = x. This is another way of saying that the hash must be a one-way function.
  • Second pre-image resistance: given a message m1, it must be practically impossible to find a message m2 such that hash(m1) = hash(m2).
  • Collision resistance: it should be practically impossible to find two messages m1, m2 such that hash(m1) = hash(m2). Note the difference to the second pre-image attack, in that we can vary both m1 and m2.

We can think of this as a linked set of dependencies, if a pre-image attack is known, so are second pre-image attacks and collision attacks. But if a collision attack is known, this doesn't generically allow pre-image attacks against the hash function.

Ultimately, it is impossible for a hash function to be totally secure against these attacks, in the same way symmetric and asymmetric ciphers can have their protocols brute forced. Even given a perfect one-way function, as the output has a fixed length, there will be infinitely many inputs that yield any chosen output. The goal for a cryptographic hash function is then to have algorithms designed to make the above problems "sufficiently" hard assuming an attackers compute power.

In the following challenges, we present custom hash functions which do not meet these criteria, or older cryptographic hash functions which have been found to be vulnerable to attacks.


  • Jack's Birthday Hash
    20 pts · 2909 Solves · 13 Solutions
    Today is Jack's birthday, so he has designed his own cryptographic hash as a way to celebrate.

    Reading up on the key components of hash functions, he's a little worried about the security of the JACK11 hash.

    Given any input data, JACK11 has been designed to produce a deterministic bit array of length 11, which is sensitive to small changes using the avalanche effect.

    Using JACK11, his secret has the hash value: JACK(secret) = 01011001101.

    Given no other data of the JACK11 hash algorithm, how many unique secrets would you expect to hash to have (on average) a 50% chance of a collision with Jack's secret?

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  • Jack's Birthday Confusion
    30 pts · 2465 Solves · 10 Solutions
    The last computation has made Jack a little worried about the safety of his hash, and after doing some more research it seems there's a bigger problem.

    Given no other data of the JACK11 hash algorithm, how many unique secrets would you expect to hash to have (on average) a 75% chance of a collision between two distinct secrets?

    Remember, given any input data, JACK11 has been designed to produce a deterministic bit array of length 11, which is sensitive to small changes using the avalanche effect.

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  • Collider
    50 pts · 2030 Solves · 8 Solutions
    Check out my document system about particle physics, where every document is uniquely referenced by hash.

    Connect at socket.cryptohack.org 13389

    Challenge files:
      - 13389.py

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  • Hash Stuffing
    50 pts · 1244 Solves · 12 Solutions
    With all the attacks on MD5 and SHA1 floating around, we thought it was time to start rolling our own hash algorithm. We've set the block size to 256 bits, so I doubt anyone will find a collision.

    Connect at socket.cryptohack.org 13405

    Challenge files:
      - source.py

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  • PriMeD5
    100 pts · 889 Solves · 10 Solutions
    Primality checking is expensive so I made a service that signs primes, allowing anyone to quickly check if a number is prime.

    The solution requires ~5 minutes to calculate on a commodity PC.

    Connect at socket.cryptohack.org 13392

    Challenge files:
      - 13392.py

    Challenge contributed by randomdude999

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  • Twin Keys
    100 pts · 553 Solves · 4 Solutions
    Cryptohack's secure safe requires two keys to unlock its secret. However, Jack and Hyperreality can't remember the keys, only the start of one of them. Can you help find the lost keys to unlock the safe?

    Connect at socket.cryptohack.org 13397

    Challenge files:
      - 13397.py

    Challenge contributed by ciphr

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  • No Difference
    175 pts · 580 Solves · 16 Solutions
    It's easy to come across a collision for MD5, but can you find one in my custom hash function?

    Connect at socket.cryptohack.org 13395

    Challenge files:
      - 13395.py

    Challenge contributed by VincBreaker

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Length Extension

  • I've invented a nice simple version of HMAC authentication, hopefully it isn't vulnerable to the same problems as Merkle–Damgård construction hash functions...

    Connect at socket.cryptohack.org 13388

    Challenge files:
      - 13388.py

    Challenge contributed by randomdude999

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  • MDFlag
    125 pts · 381 Solves · 7 Solutions
    MD0 had a serious weakness, here is a new improved MD5-based HMAC.

    Connect at socket.cryptohack.org 13407

    Challenge files:
      - 13407.py

    Challenge contributed by giladk

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Pre-image attacks

  • Mixed Up
    120 pts · 590 Solves · 6 Solutions
    Due to the properties of XOR and hash functions, it shouldn't be possible to unmix the flag... or is it?

    Connect at socket.cryptohack.org 13402

    Challenge files:
      - 13402.py

    Challenge contributed by giladk

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  • Invariant
    250 pts · 276 Solves · 5 Solutions
    It's said that you shouldn't roll your own hash function. But how easy is it to break one?

    Connect at socket.cryptohack.org 13393

    Challenge files:
      - 13393.py

    Challenge contributed by Cryptanalyse

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Hash-based Cryptography

  • Merkle Trees
    25 pts · 325 Solves · 7 Solutions
    A Merkle tree is a fundamental concept in computer science, particularly utilized within blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to ensure data integrity and efficiency in verification processes. Imagine it as a tree structure, but instead of leaves and branches in the traditional sense, it consists of nodes containing hashes of data blocks.

    At the very bottom of the tree, are the leaves, which are hashes of individual pieces of data (like transactions in the case of cryptocurrencies). These hashes are unique fingerprints of the data, created using cryptographic hash functions that turn any input into a fixed-size, indecipherable output. Moving up the tree, each leaf node is paired and hashed together to form the nodes of the next layer. This pairing and hashing continue upwards until you reach the single hash at the top of the tree, known as the Merkle root.

    diagram showing Merkle tree

    The beauty of the Merkle tree lies in its efficiency for verifying content. If you want to check if a specific piece of data is included in the set, you don't need to review the entire dataset. Instead, you only need to look at the hashes along the path from the specific item to the Merkle root. This significantly reduces the amount of data to be processed and verified, making Merkle trees useful for large datasets.

    For this warmup challenge, you will be given a number of Merkle trees, each with four leaf nodes representing the hashes of the 4 data blocks, and each with a root node hash.

    diagram showing warmup tree

    The SHA256 hash function will be used, and nodes will be paired by hashing the result of adding them together.

    Each line in output.txt will represent a bit of the flag depending on whether the Merkle tree proof correctly verifies or not.

    (1 if the proof is validated, 0 otherwise)

    Concatenate all these bits and convert to ASCII to get the flag.

    Challenge files:
      - generate.py
      - output.txt

    Challenge contributed by Ectario

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  • WOTS Up
    75 pts · 270 Solves · 3 Solutions
    With the need to find post-quantum schemes, hash-based signatures are cool again. Challenge originally featured in ECSC 2023 (Norway).

    Challenge files:
      - chal.py
      - data.json

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  • WOTS Up 2
    90 pts · 251 Solves · 4 Solutions
    I fixed the problem with my last scheme, now I can confidently sign my WOTScoin transactions.. Challenge originally featured in ECSC 2023 (Norway).

    Challenge files:
      - chal.py
      - data.json

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