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  • Quadratic Residues
    25 pts · 14164 Solves · 60 Solutions
    We've looked at multiplication and division in modular arithmetic, but what does it mean to take the square root modulo an integer?

    For the following discussion, let's work modulo $p = 29$. We can take the integer $a = 11$ and calculate $a^{2} = 5 \mod 29$.

    As $a = 11, a^{2} = 5$, we say the square root of $5$ is $11$.

    This feels good, but now let's think about the square root of $18$. From the above, we know we need to find some integer $a$ such that $a^{2} = 18$

    Your first idea might be to start with $a = 1$ and loop to $a = p-1$. In this discussion $p$ isn't too large and we can quickly check all options.

    Have a go, try coding this and see what you find. If you've coded it right, you'll find that for all $a \in \Fp^{*}$ you never find an $a$ such that $a^{2} = 18$.

    What we are seeing, is that for the elements of $\Fp^{*}$, not every element has a square root. In fact, what we find is that for roughly one half of the elements of $\Fp^{*}$, there is no square root.

    We say that an integer $x$ is a Quadratic Residue if there exists an $a$ such that $a^{2} \equiv x \mod p$. If there is no such solution, then the integer is a Quadratic Non-Residue.

    In other words, $x$ is a quadratic residue when it is possible to take the square root of $x$ modulo an integer $p$.

    In the below list there are two non-quadratic residues and one quadratic residue.

    Find the quadratic residue and then calculate its square root. Of the two possible roots, submit the smaller one as the flag.

    If $a^{2} = x$ then $(-a)^{2} = x$. So if $x$ is a quadratic residue in some finite field, then there are always two solutions for $a$.

    $p = 29 \quad ints = [14, 6, 11]$

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