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  • Generators of Groups
    20 pts · 5674 Solves · 20 Solutions
    Every element of a finite field $\Fp$ can be used to make a subgroup $H$ under repeated action of multiplication. In other words, for an element $g$ the subgroup $H = \langle g \rangle = \{g, g^2, g^3, \ldots \}$

    A primitive element of $\Fp$ is an element whose subgroup $H = \Fp^*$, i.e., every non-zero element of $\Fp$, can be written as $g^n \mod p$ for some integer $n$. Because of this, primitive elements are sometimes called generators of the finite field.

    For the finite field with $p = 28151$ find the smallest element $g$ which is a primitive element of $\Fp$.

    This problem can be solved by brute-force, but there's also clever ways to speed up the calculation.

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