
Data for the 50 most recent submitted challenge solves. To read writeups for our challenges, visit Solutions.
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Recent Solves
Nicole254 Computing Shared Secrets 30
b33tl3 Hex 5
Osminogka Cofactor Cofantasy 150
tryhard0001 XOR Starter 10
hsafrezsa XOR Properties 15
MarwanMusa Diffusion through Permutation 30
b33tl3 ASCII 5
hsafrezsa XOR Starter 10
Nicholas_Chee XOR Properties 15
tryhard0001 Bytes and Big Integers 10
hsafrezsa Bytes and Big Integers 10
hsafrezsa Base64 10
Alison Bean Counter 60
hsafrezsa Hex 5
Alison Symmetry 50
tryhard0001 Base64 10
hsafrezsa ASCII 5
Alison Flipping Cookie 60
Alison ECB CBC WTF 55
sebi364 Greatest Common Divisor 15
tryhard0001 Hex 5
tryhard0001 ASCII 5
KE Chinese Remainder Theorem 40
KE Modular Square Root 35
tryhard0001 Great Snakes 3
hsafrezsa Great Snakes 3
tryhard0001 Finding Flags 2
Slazzical Efficient Exchange 50
Despair09 Legendre Symbol 35
cicily RSA Signatures 25
hsafrezsa Finding Flags 2
Slazzical Curves and Logs 40
Slazzical Scalar Multiplication 35
Slazzical Point Addition 30
cicily RSA Decryption 20
Slazzical Point Negation 10
cicily Private Keys 20
cicily Euler's Totient 20
KE You either know, XOR you don't 30
KE Favourite byte 20
KE XOR Properties 15
Slazzical Background Reading 5
dawnn Base64 10
cicily Public Keys 15
cicily Modular Exponentiation 10
G4L1L30 Network Attacks 5
muneeb01 You either know, XOR you don't 30
hoidaav Bytes and Big Integers 10
Maximillian ECB CBC WTF 55
Maximillian Flipping Cookie 60

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