
Data for the 50 most recent submitted challenge solves. To read writeups for our challenges, visit Solutions.
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Recent Solves
st2l You either know, XOR you don't 30
NicoSierra Diffusion through Permutation 30
AngelinaG Working with Fields 10
striving CERTainly not 30
pierre_c Decrypting TLS 1.3 35
S1RJAM3S Greatest Common Divisor 15
pierre_c Decrypting TLS 1.2 30
rinabytes Great Snakes 3
Hacker_lor Image Point Arithmetic 30
st2l Favourite byte 20
striving Privacy-Enhanced Mail? 25
st2l XOR Properties 15
devan No Leaks 100
striving Lemur XOR 40
Raina Legendre Symbol 35
siaov Resisting Bruteforce 10
Doc Modular Square Root 35
rinabytes Finding Flags 2
siaov Keyed Permutations 5
striving Encoding Challenge 40
Kuhy XOR Starter 10
Hacker_lor Introduction to Isogenies 10
Kuhy Bytes and Big Integers 10
IshAnand Bytes and Big Integers 10
striving Network Attacks 5
Doc Legendre Symbol 35
Kuhy Base64 10
st2l XOR Starter 10
st2l Bytes and Big Integers 10
Safiullah136 Greatest Common Divisor 15
st2l Base64 10
st2l Hex 5
st2l ASCII 5
nlaurance Additive 70
Kuhy Hex 5
Hacker_lor Where's the Supersingular Curve 25
st2l Great Snakes 3
st2l Finding Flags 2
IshAnand Base64 10
IshAnand Hex 5
IshAnand ASCII 5
b20021996 Let's Decrypt 80
tamzid_shikto Base64 10
kvoka Finding Flags 2
Kuhy ASCII 5
pipoVigne Favourite byte 20
littleantelope Finding Flags 2
tamzid_shikto Hex 5
tamzid_shikto ASCII 5
Kuhy Great Snakes 3

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