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Rank: #2288


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Solved Challenges

RSA Modulus Inutilis 50
RSA Salty 20
RSA Manyprime 40
RSA Square Eyes 35
RSA Monoprime 30
RSA Inferius Prime 30
RSA RSA Signatures 25
Mathematics No Way Back Home 100
Symmetric Ciphers ECB CBC WTF 55
Symmetric Ciphers Passwords as Keys 50
Symmetric Ciphers Modes of Operation Starter 15
Symmetric Ciphers Bringing It All Together 50
Symmetric Ciphers Diffusion through Permutation 30
Symmetric Ciphers Confusion through Substitution 25
Symmetric Ciphers Round Keys 20
Symmetric Ciphers Structure of AES 15
General Lemur XOR 40
General Extended GCD 20
ZKPs ZKP Introduction 5
Isogenies Introduction to Isogenies 10
RSA Factoring 15
RSA RSA Decryption 20
RSA Private Keys 20
RSA Euler's Totient 20
RSA Public Keys 15
RSA Modular Exponentiation 10
Lattices Gaussian Reduction 50
Lattices What's a Lattice? 40
Lattices Gram Schmidt 30
Lattices Size and Basis 15
Lattices Vectors 10
Diffie-Hellman Export-grade 100
Diffie-Hellman Parameter Injection 60
Diffie-Hellman Deriving Symmetric Keys 40
Diffie-Hellman Computing Shared Secrets 30
Diffie-Hellman Computing Public Values 25
Diffie-Hellman Generators of Groups 20
Diffie-Hellman Working with Fields 10
Crypto on the Web Secure Protocols 5
Crypto on the Web JWT Sessions 10
Crypto on the Web Token Appreciation 5
General Transparency 50
General SSH Keys 35
General CERTainly not 30
General Privacy-Enhanced Mail? 25
General Modular Arithmetic 2 20
General Modular Arithmetic 1 20
General Modular Inverting 25
Hash Functions Jack's Birthday Confusion 30
Hash Functions Jack's Birthday Hash 20
Elliptic Curves Exceptional Curves 100
Elliptic Curves Smooth Criminal 60
Elliptic Curves Efficient Exchange 50
Elliptic Curves Curves and Logs 40
Elliptic Curves Scalar Multiplication 35
Elliptic Curves Point Addition 30
Elliptic Curves Point Negation 10
Elliptic Curves Background Reading 5
Mathematics Adrien's Signs 80
Mathematics Broken RSA 100
Mathematics Successive Powers 60
Mathematics Chinese Remainder Theorem 40
Mathematics Modular Square Root 35
Mathematics Legendre Symbol 35
Mathematics Quadratic Residues 25
Symmetric Ciphers Resisting Bruteforce 10
Symmetric Ciphers Keyed Permutations 5
Symmetric Ciphers Pad Thai 80
Hash Functions WOTS Up 75
General Greatest Common Divisor 15
General Encoding Challenge 40
RSA Blinding Light 120
Hash Functions MD0 80
Introduction Network Attacks 5
General You either know, XOR you don't 30
General Favourite byte 20
General XOR Properties 15
General XOR Starter 10
General Bytes and Big Integers 10
General Base64 10
General Hex 5
General ASCII 5
Introduction Great Snakes 3
Introduction Finding Flags 2

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